Upper Spine( 12 research items )
- #Article Title
- 1Ivancic P, 2013: Do Cervical Collars and Cervicothoracic Orthoses Effectively Stabilize the Injured Cervical Spine? A Biomechanical Investigation
- 2Gavin T, 2003: Biomechanical Analysis of Cervical Orthoses in Flexion and Extension: A Comparison of Cervical Collars and Cervical Thoracic Orthoses
- 3Powers J, 1997: A Multidisciplinary Approach to Occipital Pressure Ulcers Related to Cervical Collars
- 4Blaylock B, 1996: Solving the Problem of Pressure Ulcers Resulting from Cervical Collars: A Step-By-Step Approach
- 5Plaisier B, 1994: Prospective Evaluation of Craniofacial Pressure in Four Different Cervical Orthoses
- 6Technical Report: Absorption and Transfer Characteristics of Cervical Collar Padding
- 7Technical Report: Cervical Collar Motion Restriction Study
- 8Technical Report: Comparative Evaluation of Three Cervical Orthoses in, Extension, Lateral Motion And Rotation: A Comparison of the Vista Cervical Collar, the Aspen Cervical Collar, and the Miami J Cervical Collar
- 9Technical Report: Comparative Evaluation of Two Cervical Orthoses in Flexion and Extension: A Comparison of the Sierra Universal Collar and the Philadelphia Cervical Collar
- 10Technical Report: Deflection Under Load: A Comparison of the Aspen Vista TX, and the Optec Proglide 174
- 11Technical Report: Evaluation of the Cushioning Characteristics of Padding in Cervical Orthoses
- 12Technical Report: Pressure Distribution: A Comparison of the Aspen Vista TX, and the Optec Proglide 174
Lower Spine( 7 research items )
- #Article Title
- 1Morrisette D, 2014: A Randomized Clinical Trial Comparing Extensible and Inextensible Lumbosacral Orthoses and Standard Care Alone in the Management of Lower Back Pain
- 2Cholewicki J, 2010: Comparison of Trunk Stiffness Provided by Different Design Characteristics of Lumbosacral Orthoses
- 3Miller C, 2009: The Effects of Lumbar Orthoses on the Range of Motion of the Lumbar Spine During Fifteen Activities of Daily Living
- 4Cholewicki J, 2004: The Effects of Lumbosacral Orthoses on Spine Stability: What Changes In EMG Can Be Expected?
- 5Cholewicki J, 2003: Comparison of Motion Restriction and Trunk Stiffness Provided by Three Thoracolumbosacral Orthoses (TLSO)
- 6Krag MH, 2003: Comparison of Three Lumbar Orthoses Using Motion Assessment During Task Performance
- 7Technical Report: Drawstring Durability and Strength